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Top Tips for Repairing Damaged Door Frames

Door frames are, like many items in the home, vulnerable to wear and tear. Since they’re overwhelmingly made from wood, they can form problems over time, as the fibres that comprise each piece of wood will change shape in response to changes in temperature and moisture.

Of course, ideally we’d take preventative measures to stop this from occurring. Ensuring that the door frame is secured to the wall as well as possible, and that ambient temperatures and humidity levels are kept constant, are sure to go a long way toward extending the lifespan of the door.

But while we can delay the point of failure, it’s largely impossible to prevent it from ever occurring. What if you’re reading this after the damage has already been done? Don’t despair – depending on the sort of damage we’re talking about, it’s possible to reverse it (or at least disguise it), and thereby restore the door to a semblance of its prior glory. Let’s take a look at the more common sorts of damage, and how they might be reversed.

How To...


In response to changes in temperature and humidity, your wooden door frame will change shape. Eventually, these changes might be so severe that your door doesn’t open or close properly, instead catching against the top or bottom of the door.

The good news is that slight warps can be corrected with just a little bit of sandpaper. But even if your warping is more serious, you needn’t search for a replacement door just yet. To perform your repairs, you’ll need:


A Hammer






Putty Knife


A Saw




Wood Putty



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